Postdoc in HCI at Santa Clara University (CA, USA) for 2023-24

Join us as a post-doctoral researcher in the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Santa Clara University. Our location in the Silicon Valley offers unique opportunities to engage with — and also critically examine — the work of leading tech companies.

Potential research areas

Our lab has active projects in several research areas. We are also open to postdoctoral researchers who propose their own ideas.

  • Digital wellbeing beyond screentime tools – Researching, designing, and developing digital interfaces to give users a sense of control over how they spend their time online. This work moves beyond the current set of screentime tools to think more deeply about how we can create systems that respect human attention. This builds on a line of research that was awarded the 2023 Outstanding Dissertation Award by ACM SIGCHI, the leading organization of human-computer interaction researchers.
  • Augmented reality (AR) storytelling – In one of our initial projects, we are collaborating with Native American partners to create an immersive AR tour showcasing the past, present, and future of the Ohlone Tribe on Santa Clara University campus (read more).
  • Research tools to understand mobile apps – Researchers in many fields from business to mental health are studying the apps on mobile app stores. However, scraping and analyzing data from mobile app stores is challenging for non-technical researchers and the process is undocumented. How can we create tools and guidelines that help researchers do this important work?


  • Ph.D. in human-computer interaction or a related field
  • Motivation to research, design, and develop technologies with a social impact

Position description

  • Initial term of one year with the possibility of extension
  • This position is based in Santa Clara, California
  • Applicants from backgrounds traditionally marginalized or underrepresented in the field are especially encouraged to apply
  • Estimated salary range is $56,000 – $68,000


Please email Professor Kai Lukoff with: (1) a few sentences on why your skills and interests are a good fit for our HCI research lab; (2) your CV; and (3) at least one sample publication to show relevant experience. Inquiries are accepted year round.Â